Isle Education Trust
CEO's message

In such a short term, it is amazing to see what has been happening across the Trust and the fantastic work that students and staff have been a part of.
I hope that the Easter break allows you the opportunity to spend some time with family and friends as the new term looks set to be another very busy one indeed, with many students and their families preparing to sit examinations of some sort or another.
I look forwards to following the continued hard work and achievements of the IET community and hopefully to some drier and sunnier weather!
Sarah Sprack
Principal's Update
South Axholme Academy

I am delighted to share with you another bumper edition of the South Axholme Academy newsletter.
The newsletter highlights the amazing experiences within and beyond the classroom over the last term.
Thank you to all our parents and carers for your continual support and I wish you all a restful Easter.
Scott Barlow
PE Achievements - SPRING TERM 2024
We are delighted to once again share some of the successes our talented students have achieved in the PE department at South Axholme Academy during the spring term.
We have seen outstanding performances from students, who have shown great dedication and skill on the field. Their hard work and commitment are inspiring and we are proud to celebrate their achievements.
A few of the key moments this term include:
Cross Country Championships
On 30 January 2024, the South Axholme Team were entered in the Scunthorpe and Humberside Cross Country Championships - outstanding performances came from CJay and Beth who took 1st place and to Jacob who took 4th place.
Beth went on to compete in the English Schools Cross Country Competition on 17 March 2024 and ran well. She was first finisher for Humberside and 34th overall out of 339. Her time was 11.49 minutes for the 3.2km muddy course and her average kilometre time was 3.43 minutes. Beth has made significant improvement since last year when she finished in 183rd place. She was the highest placed Humberside competitor out of all 6 races.
A great performance from the U14 Netball Team, as they took part in the North Lincolnshire Championships on 7 March 2024. The team were crowned the North Lincolnshire U14 Netball Champions. On the same day the U13 SAX Netball Team represented the academy at the tournament.
Our Year 10 boys took part in the Scunthorpe Schools Rugby Championships on 8 March 2024. The team of Year 10 boys are now the Scunthorpe Schools Champions!
On 9 March 2024, we said a well done to our girls football team for winning 3-1 against McAuley. Our Year 8 boys also did well, with a 6-0 win against Foxhills in the cup quarter-finals.
Unfortunately, Year 11 lost 7-6 on penalties to Fred Gough in their Year 11 cup fixture. Mr Smith, who coaches the team is proud of the team's effort. On to Glanford Park!
On 18 March 2024 Year 7 gave a fantastic performance in the semi-final, beating Sir John Nelthorpe 7- 0.
The Year 9 Football team are also through to the Scunthorpe Schools Final at Glanford Park after beating Winterton in the semi-final.
The Year 8 side played their semi-final on 26 March (at the point of writing we do not know the score, and the Year 7 Cup Final against Fred Gough is on Thursday 28 March - good luck to you all.
Well done to everyone for your SAX Mindset of Excellence and Resilience.
(Pictures: - sports teams, cross-country, rugby and football.)
Year 9 - Pathways Options Evening
It was great to see so many parents/carers and students at the Year 9 Pathways Options Evening on 13 March 2024. We hope that the information provided on the night helped students make informed decisions about their next steps.
(Pictures: - Options Evening Stands 2024)
Expressive and Performing Arts
High School Musical Junior 2024 - We are delighted to report the amazing success of this year's production of High School Musical Junior.
Our talented students put on a fantastic show, with a total of three performances to parents / carers, staff and friends of South Axholme Academy, that left everyone thoroughly entertained.
The dedication and hard work that the students put into their singing and dancing was truly commendable, and they should be very proud of their achievements.
Thank you for your continued support for our school's performing arts programme, and we hope to see you at our future events.
(Pictures: High School Musical Junior Performances)
IET Catering at South Axholme Academy
CANTEEN - As always, we have had a very busy term in the canteen, bringing lots of delicious meals, new menus and trials of different grab and go items. We are delighted to share that we have successfully achieved a bronze award from Pro Veg Plates for our menus. This is an award given to menus that use plant-based dishes and are vegan or vegetarian, alongside the more traditional meals that we have on offer.
This term we had two themed days one celebrating Chinese New Year and a second with an American theme. For Chinese New Year students were able to choose from a range of freshly cooked dishes including sticky chicken bao buns, greens with noodles and chilli soy dressing, spareribs and hot and sour soup - these were are a great success. In January, for our American-themed day the menu included pulled pork brioche buns, charred corn on the cob, hot dogs and kickin' chicken wings which all went down extremely well.
COOKING CLUB - Our cooking club sees the second round of students coming to learn some basic baking and cooking skills with us. We like to run it as a Bake off style competition with the trophy of 'star baker' up for grabs each week. We had lots of fun with some very imaginative dishes winning each week and lots of tasty treats to take home.
As the cost of ingredients is still rising in the catering industry, we have managed to keep our prices frozen as we know times are hard for everyone. However, we have increased the cost of main meals to £2.60, which is in line with the Free School Meal allowance. It remains our best value for money option, with a main meal and a choice of a hot pudding or a bottle of water, so we try to encourage students to take this offer up at lunch times.
We also have exciting news! At the end of April we will see the arrival of a new pod, which will be serving cold grab and go items, drinks, and lighter options for lunch. This will make queues shorter, more streamlined and will give students more options as to where they can purchase their food and drinks from.
Please see the new menu coming up for the summer term put together by our highly trained chef . We will also have plenty of themed days to keep students excited and engaged coming up next term.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter break, myself and the IET catering team will look forward to seeing you all soon.
(Pictures: below of examples of the fantastic food our students have been making including two of our star bakers).
We have seen more trips and visits this term, ranging from college visits, trips to London Whitechapel, skiing and more! It is great to see the enthusiasm and excitement of our students on these trips, which play an important part of their learning and development.
Thank you for your continued support to the staff and for parent/carer commitment in allowing students to attend these trips, where they gain such enriching educational opportunities and experiences.
In the summer term we have further theatre trips planned and various overseas visits.
Our students had a fantastic experience during The Whitechapel History Trip to London on 7 February 2024.
Despite the challenging weather, they demonstrated incredible resilience while visiting the Clink Prison Museum and enjoying a sightseeing tour along the River Thames, where they had the opportunity to see The Globe and Big Ben.
It was an immersive experience that allowed students to get a glimpse of life during the era of Jack the Ripper and the working environment of Whitechapel.
(Pictures: Whitechapel Visit)
Staff and students had an incredible time on the slopes and thoroughly enjoyed exploring the beautiful town of Aosta.
The picturesque views and the opportunity to experience a new culture made this trip truly unforgettable for everyone involved. We are thrilled to see the positive impact this experience had on our students.
Thank you for entrusting us with the opportunity to provide your child with such a fantastic experience. We look forward to creating more extraordinary memories for our students with future opportunities to visit Poland and to take part in the Italy Football Tour during the Easter holidays.
(Pictures: Aosta town and Pila Ski Resort)
On 21 February 2024, four of our students took part in a virtual work experience opportunity which included working with people from other schools and presenting a project to an employer. We are very proud of the way SAX students embraced the opportunity and represented the academy #saxmindset
Mrs Barker-White took a group of Year 9 and 10 students to John Leggott College to look specifically at the Computing and Gaming departments. The aim was to see where GCSE Computer Science can take you and what possibilities are available post-16.
Students had the chance to try their hand at designing characters that could be made into 3D versions which could then be used in games. John Leggott College staff were extremely impressed with the work produced by many of our students in such a short space of time. They also commented on the excellent behaviour and engagement of all the students involved.
(Pictures: John Leggott College Trip)
Student Votes - Youth Council
National Citizen Service - NCS
On 6 February 2024, NCS came into the academy to talk to us about the summer opportunities they can offer to students in Year 11.
The NCS away from home programme offers young people, aged 16-17, a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something meaningful, as well as a chance to develop skills and take on new challenges that will set them up for their adult life.
Academy Update - Teaching and Learning
Home Learning - Satchel One
At South Axholme Academy, home learning is an essential part of school life as it supports the curriculum, subject interests and develops core skills such as organisation and independent learning.
Research from the Education Endowment Foundation shows that ‘the impact of homework on learning is consistently positive leading to on average five months’ additional progress.’
To help support students, all home learning at South Axholme is set on a platform called Satchel One. We have been using this platform for a year, and it is proving to be very successful, allowing parents/carers to keep track of their child's homework. As we embrace an increasingly digital approach to work, this provides an up-to-date way of working for all of our community.
Please encourage your child to download the Satchel One app onto their devices. Students can also access Satchel One via any computer if they are unable to download the app.
If you have not yet got your parent information to enable you to access Satchel One to support your child at home, please contact the academy.
We thank parents and students for their cooperation with this.
For a reminder about how parents and students can log into satchel one, please see the link to the website here.
If your child is on the SEND register you will now have received their updated APDR Plan (support plan) for this academic year. There will be an opportunity to review this plan at your child's parents' evening. If you would like an additional review meeting, please contact our admin team who will be able to arrange this for you.
If you believe your child should be on the SEND register please also contact the admin team and we can arrange for the SEND team to contact you to discuss this further. You can do this using our dedicated email address:
Termly Celebration Assemblies
March 2024
At the end of every term we celebrate students' successes in our Celebration Assemblies. Students receive awards for: -
- 100% Attendance
- Top 10 Achievement Points
- Top 10 Attitude to Learning
- Zero Behaviour Points
Also celebrated is the Form Group who have won the 'most achieved trophy'. Well done to all of those students who received a certificate.
SAX Loves Reading World Book Day
On World Book Day, students were tasked with completing a list of the books that staff were either reading or were their favourite book. Students who managed to get the most names received a prize.
The winners were:
Year 8 - Zac Bolhunowskyj (3rd)
- Lillybeth Metson (3rd)
Year 7 - Savannah Conway (2nd)
- Mia Grace Sinclair (1st)
(Picture:- Students on World Book Day)
Online Library
We have relaunched the SAX online library. This is something that all students can access for FREE.
Students just need to download the app or go onto a computer and use their school login and password details.
For further details please use this link to the On Line Library Presentation
Happy reading!
Rotary Writing Competition - 500 Words
The National 500 Words Competition was supported this year by the Rotary Club. Students from our school truly excelled. Olivia Yuen achieved third place in the Senior Section, while Sian Talbot and Summer Woollas secured second and third place respectively in the Intermediate Scunthorpe area stage of the competition.
The standard of all the entries was exceptional, and the English Department thoroughly enjoyed reading each one of them.
As a token of appreciation, Scunthorpe Rotary visited the academy on 8 March 2024 to present prizes of gift vouchers to Olivia, Sian, and Summer, and certificates to all the students who participated.
Congratulations to all the students who took part.
(Pictures:- Linda Mcdonald presenting the prizes and students with Mr Barlow, Principal)
Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE)
Duke of Edinburgh students - As part of the award, students are required to complete some form of voluntary work. Year 10 students took part in a volunteering event at Epworth Park Run. They demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to giving back to the community. This was a valuable experience and allowed students to develop important skills and qualities that will benefit them both personally and academically.
Thank you for your continued support in encouraging our students to engage in such impactful activities. Your support plays a crucial role in shaping our students into responsible and compassionate individuals.
Pictures:- students taking volunteering at Epworth Park Run)
Sports Teams at South Axholme Academy
Our sports teams are very active at the academy and our PE staff continue to attend many sports and team games after school throughout the year competing against other schools.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up to date results.
(Photos: SAX Sports Teams)
SAX Mindset days play a key part in the personal development of Ready, Resilient and Responsible students. Throughout the academic year, the days include spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, understanding of fundamental British values, age-appropriate sex and relationship education alongside coverage of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education.
A very successful SAX Mindset Day was held on 22 January 2024, with the following themes:-
Year 7 - Celebrating Creativity (Music, Art and Drama)
Year 8 - Enterprise Day
Year 9 - Higher Education Visit
Year 10 - Geography and History Field Trips
Year 11 - PSHE
Student Lockers - A reminder that students can keep their personal items safe
We still have student lockers available to rent. Please follow the link to our website for further information about how to request one here.
We are looking forward to welcoming staff and students back for the Summer Term on Monday 15 April 2024
Year 11 Easter Examination Revision Sessions
If you have any football boots that don't fit - bring them to us, and we will ensure that they are loved again on the right sized feet!
Get organised and sort out your academy uniform! See our website (here) for full details.
Don’t forget if you have any old uniform / text books that you would like to donate, please bring them into the academy and leave at student reception. This will go a long way to support members of our community.
Stay in Touch via Facebook or Instagram and remember that you can view our website for the following information:
Uniform details
Calendar dates
Trips and visits
Letters from the Principal
Latest news
Menu choices
Contact Information and Permissions
During inclement weather or an emergency, should we have to make a decision to close the academy, we will email parents. Information will also be posted on our website (where possible). Please visit our Policies and Documents section for further details here. Also, ensure that you have ticked the 'consent' section in Arbor that you agree to your child's emergency plan should we need to send your child home.
We now have 96% of our parents/carers registered with the Arbor App.
Don't miss out!
If you have not activated your account, please contact the academy and we will send you the information that you will need to register.
This is an excellent way to view your child's dashboard which includes attendance data and achievements.
In addition, you can update your personal information without needing to contact the academy. Please see the link below to access your account.
We Welcome Our New Cohort - September 2024
In March, we received confirmation that nearly 200 Year 6 students have applied for South Axholme Academy for September 2024!
Admissions regarding Year 7 are dealt with by North Lincolnshire Council. In regard to appeals, please see the link below.
What' coming up in the Summer Term?
South Axholme Academy
Burnham Road