S Barlow | Principal |
N Bibby | Vice Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead |
L Bullars | Vice Principal |
C Barnes | Assistant Principal |
A Atkinson | Assistant Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead and SENCDo, |
A Atkins | Associate Assistant Principal |
L Jacklin | Associate Assistant Principal |
C Tillen | PA to Principal |
Teaching Staff
M Barker-White | Computing Teacher |
J Bindon | Food Teacher |
S Brook | Subject Leader EPA |
I Brooks | Geography Teacher |
D Bouttell | Teacher of Geography |
D Bowyer | Teacher of Humanities |
C Bower | Maths Teacher |
K Clark | Religious Education Teacher |
A Cordona Folgado | Science Teacher |
K Cygan | Science Teacher |
K Dewsnap | History Teacher |
L Dyer | English Teacher |
A Farleigh | Assistant Subject Leader English |
G Fenton | Subject Leader Art |
X Fons | Subject Leader MFL |
P Forster | Subject Leader Maths |
R Godber | English Teacher |
P Guthrie | English Teacher |
L Harrison | PE Teacher |
H Haywood | Maths Teacher |
E Hyland Smith | Subject Leader Food |
M Hickin | PE Teacher / PAL |
S Hickin | Subject Leader Science |
C Holt | Science Teacher |
E Humberstone-Brown | Art and Design Teacher |
G Hurst | Teacher of MFL |
H Hutton | English Teacher |
A Jones | Technology Teacher |
T Kennedy | Subject Leader English |
R Kerrigher | Subject Leader English |
R McLean | Assistant SL Mathematics |
J Milne | Mathematics Teacher |
N Modaher | Science Teacher |
H Morgan | English Teacher |
J Naylor | Science Teacher |
G Nadin | Subject Leader DT |
C Needham | Teacher of Dance |
J Parkin | Business Studies Teacher |
K Pearce | PE Teacher |
L Plowright | Science Teacher |
H Schmidt | Science Teacher |
L Sheppard | Music Teacher |
M Smith | Assistant Subject Leader, English |
D Smith | PE Teacher |
J Spouncer | Subject Leader PE |
G Witty | Geography Teacher |
L Wildey | Maths Teacher |
J Wilson | Assistant Subject Leader Science |
A Woodland | History Teacher |
I Wagstaff | Humanities teacher |
R Wood | Subject Leader Geography |
H Wright | Subject Leader History |
Support Staff
E Bainbridge |
EVC/PD Coordinator |
J Buttrick | Assistant Teacher (Support) |
D Byatt | Education Welfare Officer (EWO) |
E Clark | Inclusion and Wellbeing Officer |
J Clarke | Progress and Achievement Leader |
N James | Data, Exams, Cover, Timetable Manager |
S Dodd | Office Manager |
J Drew | Administrative Assistant |
C Ellis | Administration and SEN Support Officer |
K Foster | Assistant Teacher Officer |
F Fuller | Senior Science Technician |
J Hall |
Progress and Acheivement Leader |
A Haigh | Assistant Teacher (Coordinator) |
A Jackson | AT Apprentice |
B Kershaw | Assistant Teacher, Support |
L Kingston | Administration Assistant |
J Lee | Assistant Teacher (Officer) |
V Lee | Progress and Achievement Leader |
M Lewis | Administration Assistant / Attendance |
C Lister | Food Technology Assistant |
D Lowry | Examinations, Access Arrangements and Data Support Officer |
N Mattison | Assistant Teacher (Support) |
L Maw | Assistant Teacher, Support (Apprentice) |
K Miller | Administration Assistant |
R Warby | AT Apprentice |
E Severn | Inclusion Manager |
M Smith | Lunchtime Supervisor |
S Smith | Lunchtime Supervisor |
L Spearing | Assistant Teacher (Officer) |
D Waterman-Kent | Assistant Teacher (Coordinator) |
P Watson | DT Technician |
M Webster-Lawman | Administration Assistant - Reception |
Student Leadership
The Student Leadership Team is incredibly important to the Academy. It is an opportunity for students to voice their views on improvements to our school and to discuss the day-to-day running of the school. The team have had regular, exclusive form representative breakfasts in which they discuss the issues that affect our students the most and more importantly, the leaders have made a difference. The long list of ‘You Said, We Did’ has been delivered to all students and staff and has had a massive impact on raising the profile of the team. Issues addressed varied from pupils wanting to improve teaching and learning, to extracurricular activities and even the availability of food in different areas.
The new Student Leadership Team will be elected at the end of the first half term. Once elected the student leaders will receive training on the power of language and the oracy skills in order to confidently feedback to their form time peers. This also allows their peers to give their thoughts to the leaders so all students have a voice. In addition to this, the student will take part in activities to further understand how wider democracy works.
S Wilks | Chair of Governors |