Parent View
At South Axholme Academy we are keen to hear the views and opinions of stakeholders involved within the Academy community. We regularly invite parents to feedback to us including through the use of questionnaires after parents’ evenings. The most recent results can be found here:
Parents can also complete an Ofsted survey, Parent View, online here.
Student View
Student Voice plays an important part in life at South Axholme Academy. The Student Council meet regularly with senior management and other relevant staff, and have a dedicated budget which they use to tackle pertinent issues. The Student Council is elected annually and includes representatives from all year groups.
Student voice activities are carried out periodically.
Each year, a Student Leadership Team consisting of a Head Boy and Head Girl along with deputies are elected by staff and students. They take an active role in events and activities and provide another avenue for students to have their voice heard.
An application form to apply for a position on the Student Leadership Team along with further details will be provided at the appropriate time.